Category Archives: Uncategorized

Changes Coming to Twitter

From larger images and larger tweet size, to new capabilities for tweeting, such as pinning and filtering, there are changes coming in Twitter you need to be aware of. They are laid out well, here, thanks to the folks at "These days, it's all about the Big Images. "Following in the footsteps of Google+ and the other networks, Twitter has overhauled your profile page to use a much larger header image (cover photo), as well as a larger profile image. These changes reflect the current trends in social media with users wanting to express themselves with larger and larger Read more [...]

Social Media Behaviors to AVOID!

How we interact on Social Media changes constantly, and what is acceptable behavior seemed to be morphing as well.  You don't want to push too hard, post too much, look spammy or self-promoting... I tell my clients to err on the side of "less is more" but you need to be visible.  But how do you find the right middle ground? Here is a very good article on behaviors to avoid in the world of Social Media: Thanks to Smart Blog on Social Media: Q&A:  Here is an excerpt:   "I was happily surprised that all the things that were annoying me about social media were annoying other Read more [...]

Does your website look great on your mobile device? It better!

Mobile marketing is THE thing now - does your website look good on your iPhone? It has to! Here are great guidelines, thanks to Kim Dushinski and  Sales Force Blog: "If you haven't overhauled your mobile strategy in the last year, you might as well be showing up to the hottest club in moon boots and a comb in your back pocket. Mobile marketing has quickly become the most integral part of the marketing mix landscape. By following these best practices, you will maximize your mobile power. Ignore them and your marketing might as well be yesterday's news."  READ MORE               Read more [...]